
Infrastructure & Environment

Size: 2,700 sq. ft.
Value: $11.675 Million
Completion: 2019

Planning and Design
Construction Administration
Topographic Survey

The Erb St. Widening and Corridor Study addresses the increasing traffic demands and improves transportation options for the growing west side of Waterloo. Three primary objectives were encompassed throughout the project’s vision: enhancing roadway capacity for vehicular traffic, providing better facilities for active transportation users like pedestrians and cyclists, and upgrading the underground infrastructure, including water mains and sewers. The catalyst for this undertaking by our civil engineering team was the significant commercial development in the area, which generated a surge in traffic volume. WalterFedy services encompassed planning, design, and construction administration. 

The Region of Waterloo recognized the importance of striking a balance between accommodating vehicular traffic and promoting active transportation modes like cycling and walking. They emphasized the need for adequate traffic capacity while also prioritizing the welfare of pedestrians and transit users through both the initial planning and detailed design phases.  

The initial planning phase involved an environmental assessment, engaging the public for feedback, and collaborating with provincial agencies. Over three years, the planning exercise refined the conceptual design and selected the preferred road improvement plan. External consultants conducted various background and environmental studies, including an archaeological investigation. 

The detailed design focused on widening Erb St. from three to five lanes, integrating on-road cycle tracks, a multi-use trail, and street lighting upgrades. A noise assessment study was undertaken to address public concerns about increased traffic noise, leading to the approval of noise walls along certain sections of the roadway. During construction, working in close proximity to high-pressure gas mains required careful monitoring and control of vibrations. 

The completed project effectively met its objectives, providing a cost-effective design that accommodated all modes of traffic, including vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians. WalterFedy’s proactive and responsive approach ensured that the client’s needs were met throughout the project, resulting in the overall improvement of the region’s transportation infrastructure. 

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