
Industrial & Manufacturing

91,654 SF
: $51.6M
Completion: May 2020

Interior Design

WalterFedy completed Five (5) non-process buildings with a total area of 91,654 sq.ft. for Inter Pipeline’s Heartland Petrochemical Complex, located in Strathcona Country, AB.
Project Scope also included a Petrochemical Laboratory Building were we worked closely with the owners lab consultant, Bureau Veritas. The complex was a single story blast resistance of of 10,118 sq.ft. featuring oil testing, wet lab, dry lab, ICP Room, extruder room, x-ray area, xylene testing, chemical storage, workstation space and electrically hazardous classified areas.

The project was completed using the Design Build construction method. Because the client had imposed penalties on the design builder for not meeting the schedule (not having the building open on the required dates), that’s why the push for the fast tracked happened. WalterFedy had 3 months to go from Design Development to IFC’s on the 5 buildings. We had daily touchdowns with the consultant team, and weekly meetings with the design builder.

Challenges included a fast tracked schedule. Having prior experience with fast tracked schedules, we knew going in that we would need to accommodate for a larger scope of work in the back end of the project (during the construction administration phase). This is because decisions that need to be made quickly during the design stage are sometimes not fully understood, including the ramifications of those decisions.
The team anticipated more time would be required in the construction administration phase and planned accordingly. Additional time was scheduled for requests for clarification and information. WalterFedy also anticipated that the coordination between trades would also be more involved than it usually would be.

Designed by Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Engineering Interior Design Ltd, acquired by WF Group in 2024

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